Explore Middle School Celebrates LinkIt! B

Explore Middle School Celebrates LinkIt! B

The Office of Curriculum and Instruction came to Explore Middle School to present the LinkIt! Benchmark B trophies and challenge coins to the classes and students who scored the highest and showed the most improvement from Benchmark A to Benchmark B. Ms. M Norcia’s 2nd period 6th grade science class won the trophy from Ms. M Norcia’s 8th period 6th grade science class, Mrs. Bruno’s 8th period 8th grade ELA class won the trophy from Mr. Kraft’s 8th period 6th grade ELA class, while Mrs. Kettleman’s 2nd period 7th grade math class held on tightly to their trophy, scoring highest in math again. The class and subject that showed the best improvement from Linkit! A to LinkIt! B is Mrs. Kettleman’s 4th period 8th grade math class.

Students also won challenge coins in ELA, math and science for 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place and most growth from LinkIt! A to LinkItB! Congratulations to all students who did their personal best on LinkIt B; you still have an opportunity to win trophies and coins for LinkIt! C.

ELA: Annabelle White (6) Tied 1st Place with Leilani Velez (7), Polina Sobolev (6) Tied 3rd Place with Alexander Whelan (7), & India Rivera (6), Alejandro Jace (6) and Noah Flores (7) All Tied for Most Growth.

Math: Alexander Whelan (7) 1st Place, Polina Sobolev (6) Tied 2nd Place with Andrew Iepishkin (7), & Yu-soo Florian (7) Most Growth.

Science: Alexander Whelan (7) 1st Place, Annabelle White (6), Dennis Addison (7), Hudson Phillips (7) and Dhruv Bhagat (7) All Tied for 2nd Place, and Hudson Phillips (7) Most Growth.

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